Publication or Resource

von Benzon, N.
Analysing ‘messy’ data.
In N. von Benzon, M. Holton, C. Wilkinson & S. Wilkinson (Eds.),
Creative methods for human geographers. (pp. 351-364). London, UK: Sage.


Kimberley O’Sullivan | Researcher at Otago University


Why are our poorest paying the most for electricity?

Consumer Care Guidelines for electricity retailers must be mandatory


As He Kāinga Oranga Housing and Health Research Programme at the University of Otago Wellington, we are urging the Electricity Authority to make the Cons

Consumer Care Guildeline w/ Kimberly O'Sullivan : May 16, 2023


Dr Kimberley O’Sullivan talks to Beth at The Wire on bFM about compliance by electricity retailers with the voluntary Consumer Care Guidelines, how the s

Report on housing lacking basic amenities

Five percent of New Zealand houses lack basic amenities, a new report from He Kāinga Oranga has found.
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