Michael is an injury epidemiologist who has been working for the University of Otago, Wellington since 2006.
His research interests include:
Home injury prevention
Road safety
Exposure assessment (assessing structural environmental risks).
Michael leads the Home Injury Prevention Intervention study, a major randomised controlled trial funded by the Health Research Council to look at the effectiveness of repairs to home injury hazards as a means to reduce home injury. He is a Principal Investigator in two major research programmes hosted by the University of Otago, Wellington - He Kāinga Oranga - Housing and Health Research Programme, and the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.
Michael serves on the editorial board of two international journals: Accident Analysis and Prevention, and BMC Public Health.
Key publications
- Howden-Chapman P Crane J Keall M Pierse N Baker MG Cunningham C Amore K Aspinall C Bennett J Bierre S Boulic M Chapman R Chisholm E Davies C Fougere G Fraser B2023He Kāinga Oranga: reflections on 25 years of measuring the improved health, wellbeing and sustainability of healthier housingJournal of the Royal Society of New ZealandVolume 54, 2024
- (2021).Home modifications to prevent home fall injuries in houses with Māori occupants (MHIPI): a randomised controlled trial.Lancet Public Health,6(9), e631-e640.
- (2021).Towards dwelling energy certification for New Zealand: Normalisation issues.Kōtuitui,Online.
- (2021).The effects of housing on health and well-being in Aotearoa New Zealand [ Ngā pānga o ngā whare noho ki te hauora me te toiora i Aotearoa].New Zealand Population Review,47, 16-32.Download document
- (2021).Environmental burden of disease from unsafe and substandard housing, New Zealand, 2010-2017.Bulletin of the World Health Organization,99, 259-270.
- (2021).Volunteering in older adulthood is associated with activity engagement and cognitive functioning.Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition,28(2), 253-269.
- (2020).Fairness in transport policy: a new approach to applying distributive justice theories.Sustainability,12(23), 10102.
- (2020).Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial of home modification to prevent home fall injuries in houses with Māori occupants.MDPI Methods and Protocols,3(4), 71.
- (2019).Effect of an electricity voucher on electricity use.Energy Policy,134, 110985.
- (2019).Evaluating natural experiments to measure the co-benefits of urban policy interventions to reduce carbon emissions in New Zealand.Science of the Total Environment,700, 134408
- Ingham, T.R. Jones, B. Aldridge, D. Latimer, M. Dowell, A. Davies, C. Draper, J.B. Bailey, L.O. Stanley, T.V. Leadbitter, P.(2019).Damp mouldy housing and early childhood hospital admissions for acute respiratory infection: a case control study.Thorax,74: 849–857.
- (2019).Why don’t owners improve their homes? Results from a survey following a housing warrant-of-fitness assessment for health and safety.Australian and NZ Journal of Public Health,43, 221-227.Download document
- (2019).Policy failure and success: a Trans-Tasman comparison of two insulation subsidy schemes.Agenda: A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform26, 51-65.
- (2018).Are people who already cycle and walk more responsive to an active travel intervention?Journal of Transport & Health,10, 84-91.
- (2018).Reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from an intervention to promote cycling and walking: A case study from New Zealand.Transportation Research Part D,2018, 65, 687-696,
- (2018).A Cost Benefit Analysis of an Active Travel Intervention with Health and Carbon Emission Reduction Benefits.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15, 962.
- (2018).Lessons Learned from Implementing a Programme of Home Modifications to Prevent Falls amongst the General Population.Safety,4(2), 26;
- Preval, N. Rivera-Muñoz, G. Davies, C. Oliver, J.(2017).Housing, energy and health in resilient cities.Cities in New Zealand: Preferences, patterns and possibilities,Howden-Chapman, L. Early & J. Ombler (Eds.), (pp. 95-106). Wellington, New Zealand: Steele Roberts Aotearoa.
- (2017).Impact of improved insulation and heating on mortality risk of older cohort members with prior cardiovascular or respiratory hospitalisations.
- Jacobs, D.E. Ormandy, D. Cutler-Welsh, M. Preval N.(2017).Measuring the Effect of Housing Quality Interventions: The Case of the New Zealand “Rental Warrant of Fitness”.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2017, 4.
- (2016).Cost—benefit analysis of fall injuries prevented by a programme of home modifications: A cluster randomised controlled trial.Injury Prevention,23(1). doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041947
- (2015).Home modifications to reduce injuries from falls in the Home Injury Prevention Intervention (HIPI) study: a cluster-randomised controlled trial.The Lancet,385 (9964), 231-238.
- Kvalsvig, A. Verrall, A. Zhang, J. Wilson, N. Wall, T.(2012).Increasing incidence and inequalities in infectious diseases in a developed country.The Lancet,D-11-03603R2.
- (2011).Estimation of the social costs of home injury.Accident Analysis & Prevention,43(3), 998-1002.
- (2010).Assessing housing quality and its impact on health, safety and sustainability.Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,64(9), 765-771.
- (2010).Close-contact infectious diseases in New Zealand: Trends and ethnic inequalities in hospitalisations,1989 to 2008 - 2nd EditionHe Kāinga Oranga/Housing & Health Research Programme University of Otago, Wellington.
Our key researchers: -->
Download document - (2009).Taranaki home injury hazards study.Build Magazine,112, 52-5.Download document
- (2007).Healthy Housing Index Pilot Study Final Report.He Kāinga Oranga/Housing & Health Research Programme Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington.Download document